Just a note:

I am not very "Politically Correct." I cuss. A lot. If you can't handle the "F" word, quit reading. If you can't handle the "C" word, or maybe even the "P" word, then go away.

Monday, July 30, 2007

So...I know I've been MIA

It's been a long week. Pinkeye and strep. Fevers and puking.

A friend of ours was found dead yesterday. Sorry if that was a little morbid. Didn't know how else to say it.

I haven't had the time or energy to post anything new.

It's been raining, so I'm finding it hard to take pictures to blog about.

Hopefully this week will be better.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap Kim! *hug* I'm so sorry about your friend.

Laura said...

{{hugs}} what a rough week for you. You and your friends family will be in my thoughts.