Just a note:

I am not very "Politically Correct." I cuss. A lot. If you can't handle the "F" word, quit reading. If you can't handle the "C" word, or maybe even the "P" word, then go away.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Doo-doo da doo-doo!

The pinkeye has proven itself to be viral, and not bacterial, so the eye drops won't cure it. And the motherfucker has spread to my left eye.

I'm speaking of this evil pink bitch as if it were a true being...some figure from the bowels of Hell itself. And it might as well be...it's a huge pain in my ass! Well, in my eyes, really...

I've been in the house for 4 days. I refuse to leave it since I look like a hideous conjunctivitis poster child. So, I needed some cheering up.

And this did it...


Anonymous said...

So did the crap finally clear up? I hope so!! :hugs:

Delanie said...

Ya know I fucking hate that video! Drives me crazy!

Laura said...


now that is stuck in my head. I hope you are feeling better now. {hugs}

Cassie said...

now my eyes are itching just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

That song will be stuck in my head all night! Hope the eye feels better ((HUGS))

Love your blog!
Rhonda (Milehigh)