Just a note:

I am not very "Politically Correct." I cuss. A lot. If you can't handle the "F" word, quit reading. If you can't handle the "C" word, or maybe even the "P" word, then go away.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's obvious...I'm a crackhead.

Next weekend is a big deal. We're having a birthday party - complete with pizzas, cakes, ice cream, a piñata, and a bounce house with slide...much like this one. There will be lots of screaming kids, plenty of fun, and hopefully no fighting or broken bones. This will all take place at my house, because I'm on crack, evidently. What other reason could be behind my planning such an event at my home?

I will have to clean before and after the party. I will have to keep the extra children out of my kids' rooms. I will have to make sure the dog is gone for the day.

I have lost my ever-lovin' mind.

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