Just a note:

I am not very "Politically Correct." I cuss. A lot. If you can't handle the "F" word, quit reading. If you can't handle the "C" word, or maybe even the "P" word, then go away.

Friday, July 20, 2007

My attempt at this whole Blogging thing...

I don't know how this will go...time will tell. I'm going to try to remember to update this place daily. Maybe I'll get a wild hair up my ass and post more than once a day. I have a lot to say...a lot of shit on my mind...some days.

Anyway, here we go...


Laura said...

woo hoo! welcome to the blogging world. I can't wait to read what you have to say, you always make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you decided to blog woman!

Kel-Bel said...

yay, welcome to blogger lady!